About Montrose, Colorado


Learn More about Beautiful, Montrose, Colorado

Montrose Colorado Online is your guide to all things Montrose; Lodging, Activites, and more information regarding Montrose Colorado.

Montrose and Olathe Schools

The Montrose and Olathe School District will ensure that all students have a safe and academically rigorous environment in which to learn.  All students entering into our high schools will graduate with life skills and knowledge required to enter into the workforce, begin a career, attend college or other post-secondary education opportunities of their choice, without remediation.

Current Weather and Averages

The Grand Valley that we live in is considered the Banana Belt because of it's relatively mild temperatures. The surrounding areas will be colder and/or hotter than Montrose.

Montrose Community Information and Local Attractions  

Live, Enjoy & Explore Montrose. Montrose Colorado Online has a a calendar, and wide variety of information on the region, culture and community.

Tour of Montrose

Enjoy a short virtual tour of Montrose.

Montrose Chamber of Commerce

Montrose has a very active Chamber of Commerce that works hard for our businesses and community.

What's Happening in Montrose?

Montrose Visitor's Center: The most comprehensive calendar of events in the area.

Performing Groups
  • Magic Circle Theatre - Check their calendar for live performances by our talented local actors and musicians.
  • Montrose Community Band - A collection of musicians from Ouray to Cedaredge perform a wide variety of pieces for your enjoyment.
  • Valley Symphony Association - Symphonic and Choral groups perform an outstanding variety of music featuring local artists from the Uncompahgre Valley.